COVER REVEAL: Bela's Bounty by Deysi O'Donal


Yes! Book Two is on the horizon, and I cannot wait. I loved Deysi O'Donal's debut novel -- Anna's Bounty -- and now we get Trevo and Bela's story in the next installment of the series.

Bela's Bounty is hitting Kindles everywhere on January 27. Who's reading it with me?


The secret that humans still exist in the universe is out, and that makes the women of earth dangerously desirable.

Thanks to a botched translator implant, I’m near death when the aliens who abducted me sell me to the famed pleasure station, Lux. Where my first customer is a lizard-man with red scales, kind eyes, and a quiet nature.

It turns out, Treto isn’t here to use me, but to save me. He’s a bounty hunter who specializes in rescuing trafficked aliens, and he has been following me from Earth. He’s desperate to free me, but his back-up is delayed and the longer I’m trapped at the pleasure station, the more likely I am to be given to another alien. One that might not be as gentle as my savior.

I’m afraid it’s going to take more than one determined bounty hunter to extricate me from madame Athea’s clutches. Will she sell me for a dangerous night with a stranger or will backup come in time to get us out of the mess we’re in?


Deysi is married to the love of her life. Living her happily-ever-after with 3 cats, a neurotic boarder collie, a recent college graduate and a teenager who aspires to live forever in her basement.

She has been penning stories since she could hold a pencil and spends most days working as a vampire and her nights playing with the imaginary friends that live in her head. On the off chance she’s not writing, or stabbing people with needles, she probably has her nose in a book. Which is particularly vexing to her co-workers and family.

She enjoys loud music, sunny afternoons, and leisurely trips through social media.

Connect with Deysi