BOOKWORM REVIEW: Anna's Bounty by Deysi O'Donal


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

I am so excited to host Deysi O'Donal and her full-length debut Anna's Bounty (which I devoured in one sitting)!

Anna, a human nurse, is abducted by alien traffickers, collecting different species across the universe. Just before she loses hope, a group of bounty hunters led by Rovos takes over the ship and realizes what a valuable asset Anna is. They work to figure out how they can get her back to Earth, but Rovos also has another ulterior motive for bringing her back: he is drawn to Anna and wants to build as much distance between him and her as possible.

I adore Anna. Anna is so resilient and headstrong. Despite the adversities she faces with her abduction, she fights because she is a freaking survivor, and I love that about her. When she finally gets her bearings in outer space, it was a joy to read when she asserts herself and fights for what she wants instead of letting anyone else make those calls for her.

Oh, Rovos. Sometimes you just want to hug him. Around his thick gray striped neck with my bare hands. They probably won't fit, but I would give it a shot. He is gentle and caring, but boy, is he stubborn when it comes to resisting what is inevitable.

Have some milk handy, because their spicy scenes are hot, hot, hot. There is an element of insta-lust and the use of a virgin trope, but I am not mad, especially since there is a one-bed trope, too, and no one slept on the darn floor. #victory

If you enjoy SFR or alien romance, I could not recommend this book more. I have also set my calendar to count down to Trevo's story in Book Two.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. **

Anna's Bounty is now available and is free with Kindle Unlimited.


Turns out human DNA is spread all across the universe, but actual humans are believed to be extinct.

That is, until I’m randomly picked up by a passing slave ship.

As if being abducted by aliens isn’t terrifying enough, now I’m about to be sold to a space brothel. I figure things can’t get much worse, until the ship I’m on is attacked by alien bounty hunters.

Sparks start to fly when I meet Rovos, the gorgeous leader who promises to take me back to Earth. Only, I don’t know where Earth is and the aliens who kidnapped me aren’t talking.

Despite our growing attraction, Rovos is determined to keep me at arms length. He knows the danger of his trade. The heartache it brings. So he vows to find me somewhere safe.

Even if it guts him to let me go.
Even if I beg him to let me stay.

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Deysi is married to the love of her life. Living her happily-ever-after with 3 cats, a neurotic boarder collie, a recent college graduate and a teenager who aspires to live forever in her basement.

She has been penning stories since she could hold a pencil and spends most days working as a vampire and her nights playing with the imaginary friends that live in her head. On the off chance she’s not writing, or stabbing people with needles, she probably has her nose in a book. Which is particularly vexing to her co-workers and family.

She enjoys loud music, sunny afternoons, and leisurely trips through social media.

Connect with Deysi