BOOKWORM REVIEW: Pestilence by Laura Thalassa

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
SPICE: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

When I first read this book, I was FASCINATED with paranormal romance. The idea of falling in love with an imaginary non-human character, much less a bringer of the apocalypse, was a new concept to me, and I fell in love with this book. Almost four years later, I assumed that re-reading this with a more experienced lens would change my view.

I assumed wrong.

The Four Horsemen arrived on Earth, creating havoc on humanity. They have killed power sources, infrastructures, and most of all people. One day, they just disappeared, which had humans assuming that they have finally received some reprieve. That is, until Pestilence comes back and starts his ride of doom in North America.

In Whistler, Canada, Sara Burns drew the short straw to be the last person standing in her town as most of the townsfolk, including her family, evacuated. Her mission: To end Pestilence as he passes through. The brave firefighter faces her goal head-on but quickly realizes that the Horsemen could not be killed. Now she is his prisoner, going with him through every town as he remorselessly doles out the plague. What's worse is that she isn't sure if it is Stockholm Syndrome or some dystopian disorder, but she certainly could not be developing feelings for him, is she? Maybe the same disorder is making her imagine the looks he throws her way as well..

This story is a cult classic because it contains all of the right ingredients with the right balance. The storytelling is perfection. Laura Thalassa did a fantastic job of setting the right pace for different moments in the book. We get the right details to induce an adrenaline rush during the action- and suspense-packed scenes, and I love how she slows down the pace just at the appropriate amount to draw compassion for Sara, Pestilence, and some of the people they meet along the way. 

The story itself is engaging. Sara and Pestilence are two opposite lenses into humanity, and throughout this journey, we start to see those lenses converge together to see both the beauty and ugliness of this world. No matter at what point or from what perspective in life you approach this read, it gives you a reminder that 1. not everything in life will be roses and rainbows and 2. despite adversities and changes, there is always some good among the people. I love how those reminders are cleverly set up to be the foundation of Sara and Pestilence's connection.

Speaking of, the arc of their relationship was well done. You can't get any more enemies than someone trying to end the other, and to slowly untangle that into a happy ending is a feat. A feat that Thalassa crushed really well. I mean, how she managed to create tension even when Sara discovers that Pestilence isn't gone is mind-blowing. 

The spice is relatively tame. It is not fade-to-black, but it isn't as prolific and creative as I've read in others. (This was the only change in my POV of this book since I last read it. Yeah, I've read a whole lot of spicy books since 2019, it seems.) 

It is the first of the four-part series, so it can be read as a standalone. I am kicking off a month of binge-reading the series, so I am excited to move on to War.

** I am voluntarily reviewing a copy of this book. Thank you to Laura Thalassa, Bloom Books, Sourcebooks, and NetGalley for providing a copy. **


They came to earth—Pestilence, War, Famine, Death—four horsemen riding their screaming steeds, racing to the corners of the world. Four horsemen with the power to destroy all of humanity. They came to earth, and they came to end us all.

When Pestilence comes for Sara Burn’s town, one thing is certain: everyone she knows and loves is marked for death. Unless, of course, the angelic-looking horseman is stopped, which is exactly what Sara has in mind when she shoots the unholy beast off his steed.

Too bad no one told her Pestilence can’t be killed.

Now the horseman, very much alive and very pissed off, has taken her prisoner, and he’s eager to make her suffer. Only, the longer she’s with him, the more uncertain she is about his true feelings towards her… and hers towards him.

And now, well, Sara might still be able to save the world, but in order to do so, she'll have to sacrifice her heart in the process.

From bestselling indie author Laura Thalassa comes a dark fantasy romance between the Horseman Pestilence and Sara, the girl who shoots Pestilence down only to realize he can't be killed. He takes her as prisoner, but the longer they're together, the more uncertain their feelings for each other grow.


Found in the forest when she was young, Laura Thalassa was raised by fairies, kidnapped by werewolves, and given over to vampires as repayment for a hundred year debt. She’s been brought back to life twice, and, with a single kiss, she woke her true love from eternal sleep. She now lives happily ever after with her undead prince in a castle in the woods.

… or something like that anyway.

When not writing, Laura can be found scarfing down guacamole, hoarding chocolate for the apocalypse, or curled up on the couch with a good book.

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