BOOKWORM REVIEW: Everything to Lose by Harlow James


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
SPICE: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Hear me out, Harlow James. Would it have hurt to have Kelsea end up with both twins?

Yeah, yeah, this isn't that kind of romance read, but a girl can hope.

Kelsea has grown up with the Gibson Family ever since she was a little girl left by her own mother. She is close with everyone, but most especially with Wyatt, one of the twins. After all, they spent every waking moment together as kids, and despite the brief separation due to Wyatt going away for college, they ended up inseparable once again as they work together in Wyatt's brewery.

Kelsea has loved Wyatt for as long as she can remember, but he seems to keep her at arm's length. No, no, it's not that he has put her in the friend zone. Quite contrary, despite his strong attraction and feelings for Kelsea, he has seemed to suppress those, much to the frustration of Kelsea and his family, especially twin brother Walker. When Walker takes the matter into his own hands and asks Kelsea out on a date, Wyatt starts to realize that pretending Kelsea belongs in the friend zone might not be such a good idea after all.

Holy chemistry, Batman! Kelsea and Wyatt certainly did not lack that in this read. While she also had some nice flirtatious exchanges with Walker -- thus, my aforementioned request -- her connection was deeply rooted with her favored twin. Wyatt was certainly slow in the uptake, but once he decided to join the romance party, the man did not quit. The bar bathroom scene alone was the stuff of thirsty literary traps, and Wyatt just kept leveling it up from there. 

Harlow James is always a one-click for me, because she is a magician when it comes to balance. We don't lose sight of Kelsea and Wyatt's love story in this first release of the Newberry Springs series, while learning the different characters we will get to know in subsequent reads. Meeting the Gibson clan and other personalities from Newberry Springs is organically done throughout her story without losing pace. 

This was a phenomenal kick-off to the series, and it leaves you wanting more from the fictional people of this quaint little town. I've gotten over my sadness over Kelsea not ending up with both twins and am ready for the next book, please.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to Harlow James and The Author Agency for providing an ARC. **


You’ve heard the story about the best friends since childhood, the boy and girl who secretly love each other but are too scared to admit it, right?

Well, have you heard the one where the twin brother of the boy steps in and kisses the girl to make his brother jealous?


Then let me enlighten you.

Wyatt Gibson has been my best friend since we were in diapers, and I’ve loved him since we were ten.

But when Wyatt left for college and I stayed back in our hometown of Newberry Springs, Texas, I gave up on the idea of us ever ending up together, even though he kissed me the night before he left.

Flashforward eight years and now I’m helping him run his business as I dance around the fact that I’m hopelessly in love with him and probably always will be.

But giving in to those feelings means risking everything dear to me in my life—his family, which is very much my own, and a lifelong friendship that I cherish more than wondering what it would be like to be his in every way.

Life was normal until Wyatt’s twin brother, Walker, decided he was tired of us tiptoeing around each other, and devised a plan to make Wyatt admit his feelings as well.

So he kissed me.

And even though I knew it would hurt Wyatt, it felt good to play with fire—to go against the safe boundaries that I’ve lived my life within out of fear of everything changing.

But everything did change.

Everything became hazy and dangerous all at once.

And suddenly, I went from having everything…to having everything to lose.

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Harlow James is a pen name I use to protect my identity as a high school teacher. Keeping those two roles in my life separate is necessary, but also fun! It’s like a live two lives, and anonymity gives me the opportunity to be bold and take risks in my stories.

I stumbled upon romance novels in 2018 when I picked up Driven by Kristy Bromberg, and I was obsessed. I had just lost my grandmother too, so reading offered me an escape from reality and a chance to grieve on my own terms.

About a year later, I got an idea for my own book and started writing. I researched self-publishing and jumped in with both feet. I had no idea what I was doing!

But now I’ve built a business and hobby that I LOVE! I have an outlet that’s just for me. When I write, I’m not a mom, a wife, or a teacher…I’m a woman who gets to tell stories that no one else can.

My books are the perfect blend of heartwarming moments, full-bellied laughs, and PLENTY of steam to melt your Kindles πŸ˜‰ And there are always elements of me sprinkled in to every character and story that I write.

When I’m not writing you can find me reading or spending time in my kitchen. I love to cook and feed my family and friends. Otherwise, you can find me watching comedy specials with my husband, camping with our kids, or taking naps. I live for naps πŸ˜‰

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