BOOKWORM REVIEW: Hopeless by Elsie Silver

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
SPICE: 🔥🔥🔥.5

Beau Eaton was my most-anticipated story, but while I enjoyed the read, this one did not quite meet my high expectations.

Don't get me wrong -- it was still an enjoyable read. I have loved Elsie Silver since A Photo Finish, and the writing was solid for me. What did not quite meet my expectations was how I had envisioned Beau. 

Beau Eaton was Chestnut Springs' hometown hero. A veteran who spent days trapped in a cave to save another life, he had been discharged honorably from the military and is currently struggling with his obligations at the family ranch. When he is barely surviving his cowboy responsibilities, he spends his free time as a regular at the local bar, chatting it up with bartender Bailey Jensen.

Bailey is also on the struggle bus, trying to make ends meet and evade her family's notorious reputation. She wants out of this small town, but life is hard when no one wants to hire you because of your last name. The only place that would take a chance is this bar, and it would not be so bad if she wasn't tempted by the mysterious regular who is 13 years her senior.

The premise was my jam. I love a sexy age-gap romance between two people who have similar struggles and navigate them together, and we get heaps of that in this story. I like the initial chemistry between Beau and Bailey, and to Silver's credit, we get some pretty steamy interactions throughout the read. 

What did not work for me was the third-act conflict. I did not really understand Bailey's reaction, and it just did not feel organic to the rest of the story.

I also felt like there was some disconnect with Beau's attitude toward his family, especially if you have read the previous books and know how caring and supportive they are. That did not quite sit well with me.

Overall, it was a good read. I also love Elsie Silver's storytelling. With amazing books in her portfolio like this book's predecessor Reckless and A False Start from The Gold Rush Ranch series, the bar has been set very high, and this book just did not quite stack to the rest.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to Elsie Silver for providing an ARC. **


Beau Eaton is the town prince, a handsome military hero with a tortured past.
I’m the outcast bartender, a shy girl from the wrong side of the tracks.
He’s thirty-five and all man, and I’m twenty-two and all . . . virgin.
He’s also my fiancé. Correction: my fake fiancé.
We start out as a bet. He doesn’t believe that anyone holds my last name against me. So he offers me his to prove a point.
It’s win-win. He gets a break from his concerned family’s prying, and I get a chance to shed my family’s reputation while I save up to ditch this small town.
He says all I have to do is wear his ring, follow his lead, and pretend I can’t keep my hands off of him in public.
But it’s what happens between us in private that blurs all those carefully drawn lines.
It’s what transpires behind closed doors that doesn’t feel like pretending at all.
This engagement was supposed to be for show. This agreement? It has an end date.
He once told me he’d never fall in love.
And yet here I am, head over heels for my fake fiancé.



I’m a Canadian romance author who currently lives just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia with my husband, son, and three dogs. I’ve been reading romance books since before I was probably supposed to and have never stopped.

In my free time I love to cook and try new foods, I love to travel, and I love spending time with my boys–especially outdoors. I’ve also become a big fan of my quiet 5 am mornings where I can sip a cup of hot coffee and disappear into a fictional world without interruption. I can’t wait to share my worlds with you!

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