BOOKWORM REVIEW: The Deja Glitch by Holly James


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Jack is living the same 24 hours over and over again, and the key to breaking the cycle is to get Gemma to fall for him. Unfortunately, only he knows they are stuck in a time loop, and Gemma has a "no dating" rule. How can he convince someone who considers him a stranger to get to know him, much less, love him in a day?

I was absolutely in love with the premise and was ready to tackle the promise of a more romantic version of 50 First Dates. I was disappointed that we're dropped into the story on the 150th iteration of the time loop, and we only go through it just once (or one and a half?). The single iteration provided readers with a lot of details as if we ourselves were getting to know Jack and Gemma within that limited time, and does it count as insta-love if one of the characters has been at it for 147 days?

This was a fun, whimsical read for fans of closed-door romance. You know I love spice, so I am always going to wish for it, but I thought this was cute and enjoyable for what we got.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to Holly James, Dutton, and NetGalley for providing an ARC. **


To break out of a 24-hour time loop, all Jack needs is for Gemma to fall in love with him in a single day. All Gemma needs is to remember him first . . .

Gemma Peters is doing fine. She’s making a name for herself in the L.A. music biz as a radio producer. She’s got a ride-or-die best friend in Lila, and she gets to come home to Rex, her loving Labrador, every night. But ever since her rock star ex-boyfriend used her to get a record deal from her rock legend dad, she’s made a “no musicians” rule when it comes to dating that’s becoming more like a “no dating” rule, period.

So, when Gemma crashes (literally) into Jack one Thursday morning, at first she feels like fate might finally be doing her a favor. After all this guy is cute and, wait, is she imagining it, or is he staring a little too deeply into her eyes? And how does he know her name? Even harder to explain is the funny feeling of déjà vu she gets every time she looks at him. It’s not at all like Gemma to kiss a man and forget him completely, so then how can she explain the dreamlike memory of his lips on hers?

The truth is this is no ordinary Thursday. Not for them. In fact, they’ve lived this day over and over for months. And while Gemma has been totally oblivious to the time loop, Jack has been agonizingly aware of every single iteration. Luckily, Jack has a theory to bring his own personal Groundhog Day to an end. And it’s simple. Before the day is over, he just has to get Gemma to fall in love with him.


Holly James holds a PhD in psychology and has worked in both academia and the tech industry. She loves telling stories with big hearts and a touch of magic. She currently lives in Southern California with her husband and dog.