BOOKWORM REVIEW: How to Win the Girl by Sara Ney

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
SPICE: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯.5

Drake Coulter is not the commitment type. However, his twin brother Drew sure is, but his dating skills are lackluster compared to Drake's...charm. Let's just say it is direct yet effective. Drake leverages his experience and charisma to help his twin find his soul mate by creating a dating profile for his brother. When "Drew" matches up with Daisy -- the girl that Drake meets and is enchanted by after she mistakes him for his brother -- he starts to find himself being less helpful to his brother and more inclined to take the girl for himself. 

I always find well-laid romantic plans going sideways entertaining. This read by Sara Ney is no exception. 

I must admit that Drake requires an acquired taste for sure. His crass and blunt personality can come across as too strong, but I love that there are more layers to him that we get to unpack through the story. Along the way, we get fun banter between the two that organically transition from adversarial to flirty. The banter is the gasoline to their connection's fire: the more we get, the hotter their chemistry becomes. 

This read is the second book in Ney's Campus Legends series, but it can be read as a standalone. 

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to Sara Ney and Wildfire Marketing Solutions for providing an ARC. **


I, Drake Colter, solemnly swear I do not want a girlfriend…

Carefree and ridiculously good-looking, I have the entire student body eating from the palm of my hand—shouldn’t I let the ladies on campus have their fill rather than being tied down?

If only my brother Drew would take notes from my playbook. As identical twins, we share the same voice, the same face, and the same physique; it’s virtually impossible to tell us apart—but that’s where the similarities end. 

Lately, my brother has been whining about wanting to settle down. He longs for affection, companionship and all the bullshit that goes along with it blah blah blah.

Problem is, he’s hopeless when it comes to dating. It’s seriously embarrassing to watch, considering we’re identical;  everyone thinks I’m him and everyone thinks he’s me. 

Luckily I’m not intimidated by women and have plenty of experience. I might not want to find myself a girlfriend, but that don’t mean I can’t help him. Dude never needs to know!

And that’s the very thing that lands me in trouble…

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Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte's, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives in the Midwest, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British. 

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