BOOKWORM REVIEW: The Worst Wedding Date by Pippa Grant

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
SPICE: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

If you are new to Pippa Grant, here is a pro tip: don't take it too seriously, sit back, and enjoy the crazy ride that is her books. Trust me, it will all come together in the end.

This crazy ride begins with Delaney Kingston arriving in Hawaii for her best friend Emma's wedding. She is immediately met with a big ask: Can she make sure that Emma's brother Theo stays out of the groom's radar and out of trouble? 

While it seems like a manageable ask, there is so much history -- adversarial history -- between Laney and Theo. Laney is her hometown's goody-two-shoes. The reliable one set to inherit her parents' printing business..once she gets them to let it go from their tight grasps. She may be allergic to fun; she cannot really tell since she has not had any in..well, forever. Theo is the direct opposite. He has come to embrace his reputation as the town troublemaker. Mr. Good Time doesn't take anything too seriously and has an uncanny ability to find chaos wherever he is. 

Now Laney is on Theo Watch, and they're sharing a bungalow together. Like with any close-proximity romance, they start to learn more about each other. Things that make their insides all fluttery for one another. Will their new-found admiration for each other be over once the holiday is?

This read is standard Pippa Grant: a chaotic love story about two people who should have no business being together..BUT underneath it all, they find more common ground than they think, including a spicy attraction to each other. 

Theo and Laney might be complete opposites, but if we look closer, they are really two people who never really got a chance to grow up. Theo was always trapped in a box of his own reputation. So much so that people, including those who say they love him or care for him, pigeonhole him into the boy-who-never-grew-up persona. Laney also hasn't had a chance to do some growing of her own. Living in the shadow of her parents and the townspeople's approvals, she could barely make a decision without the pressure of pleasing everyone constantly in her head. 

It is with delicious irony that they find growth in each other. Theo challenges Laney to embrace herself and confidently carve her own path, while Laney becomes the unexpected champion Theo needed. This creates a wonderful, deep connection that adds so much chemistry to their banter and to their spicy moments. And yes, it was spicy. Like hot. 

This is currently a standalone book, but I certainly hope that we get Sabrina and Emma's stories. 

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to Pippa Grant and Give Me Books PR for providing an ARC. **


I didn’t know bridesmaid was code for babysitter for the bride’s brother, but if that’s what my best friend needs of me for her dream wedding to go off without a hitch, that’s what I’ll do.
Even if Theo Monroe has been a pain in my rear since third grade.
Even if he should be responsible enough to not wreak havoc at his sister’s destination wedding.
Even if it means we have to share a hotel room in Hawaii, which might be the final duty that breaks me.
Not only does Theo know exactly how to push my buttons, but he never wears clothes, he’s hiding a litter of kittens in his room, and he keeps showing up with fresh-baked cookies that seemingly come from nowhere.
I have no idea why he’s being such an utter ass to the groom.
Or why he’s so proud of the world’s most awkward wedding gift.
Or why I suddenly want to know what makes him tick. The story behind his tattoos. How he can afford to rent a convertible in Hawaii. And if maybe all of that utter frustration and irritation I’ve felt for him for years is suppressed attraction that a good girl like me isn’t supposed to feel for the biggest bad boy of Snaggletooth Creek.
But I do know one thing.
When I find out his biggest secret and the answer to all of my questions, it will change everything.

The Worst Wedding Date is a frolicking good time of a destination wedding enemies-to-lovers romcom, complete with a good girl bridesmaid, her best friend’s troublemaking but secretly big-hearted brother, and more than one hitch on the way to happily ever after. It stands alone, has no cheating, and comes complete with ooey gooey goodness.


Pippa Grant is a USA Today Bestselling author who writes romantic comedies that will make tears run down your leg. When she's not reading, writing or sleeping, she's being crowned employee of the month as a stay-at-home mom and housewife trying to prepare her adorable demon spawn to be productive members of society, all the while fantasizing about long walks on the beach with hot chocolate chip cookies.

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