BOOKWORM REVIEW: Protective Heart by Brighton Walsh

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
SPICE: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Beck's (love) language consists of one-word responses, grunts, and delicious food. His family and the small town of Starlight Cove have come to terms with his prickly personality as long as he keeps doling out yummy treats at his family diner.

The grumpy demeanor, however, seems to take exception whenever his best friend and town veterinarian Everly is around. He knows her daily schedule. He feeds her even though she does not expect it. He humors her romance book club (party of two). When her house and clinic burn down, he does not hesitate to share his home with her.

But Beck emotionally keeps her at an arm's length. His family history has shown that love only brings misery to those who embrace it, so while he can't seem to stop himself from doing all of these things for Everly that only someone who is in love does, he stops right at the border of admitting his feelings. Until Everly brings a male stranger to his diner..

Beck is one of the best grumpy book boyfriends I've met. He is incredibly sweet and caring not only to Everly but to his siblings as well. (Despite their loaded history, his family always has each other's back, and I have loved them since reading Book 1.) I absolutely adore that he remembers every romance book they read together (and takes mental notes of the spicy chapters she likes).  

I really enjoyed the build-up of their relationship even from Book 1, and I especially love how it culminates into the spicy territory in this read. Beck is even dirtier than his brother, and I am absolutely living for it. 

This book is the second installment in the series, and if I wasn't already sold from the first one, I am definitely fully invested by the end of this read. Brighton Walsh, I need the rest of the series so much. This one can be read as a standalone, but in case you have not been paying attention: the series is fantastic. Read it from the beginning to fully experience the tension that is Beck and Everly. I promise it will be worth it.


I’ve lied to myself for years about being in love with my best friend.

Everly Bowman and I don’t make sense. She’s sunshine personified and I hate everyone. Well, everyone but her. It’s easy to pretend like she isn’t my whole world. Or it was until she needs a place to stay, and my apartment is her only option.

Suddenly, she's everywhere I turn. Even her scent is branded into my sheets. And thanks to our unofficial romance book club, I’ve also amassed an encyclopedia titled Everly’s Pleasure Buttons. Each week, it gets harder to ignore how much I want to make her fantasies come true. Especially when we crawl into my bed every night.

But I won’t jeopardize what we have for anything, so I’m fine with lying to myself and pretending like I don’t dream of calling her mine.

At least, I was until I see her with him.

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Award-winning USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Brighton Walsh spent a decade as a professional photographer before taking her storytelling in a different direction and reconnecting with her first love—writing. She likes her books how she likes her tea—steamy and satisfying—and adores strong-willed heroines and the protective heroes who fall head over heels for them. Brighton lives in the Midwest with her real life hero of a husband, her two kids—both taller than her—and her dog who thinks she’s a queen. Her boy-filled house is the setting for dirty socks galore, frequent dance parties (okay, so it's mostly her, by herself, while her children look on in horror), and more laughter than she thought possible.

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