BOOKWORM REVIEW: Busted by Greta Rose West

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

If there was a book character that I wanted to hug so bad, it would be Kevin.

Flirty Kevin has a secret. A secret that he has been keeping from everyone, including his brothers. A secret that may be revealed, thanks to a gorgeous new veterinarian in town.

Luuk's pretty face, sexy accent, and undeniable charm all spell trouble for Kevin, but there is also something so kindred with him that brings them both together. 

Would Kevin's trepidation and grief get in the way of his HEA?

No offense to the previous Cades, but Kevin and Luuk's story might be my favorite. Yes, I realize there are two more in the series, but these two have definitely set the bar high. 

My favorite is the different, well-developed arcs of each main character and their relationship. I loved going through the journey of facing one's fears and embracing one's true self with KC, and it was great to see how that ties into his connection with Luuk.

The bonus is the fun, steamy scenes between these two. Greta Rose West's attention to details brings their passion to life on these pages.

This book can be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend having the full Cade Ranch experience by starting at the very beginning.


Kevin Cade has no hope of ever finding love. How could he—he can't even say the word “gay.” In small-town Wisper, Wyoming, men like him don't exist. Not out loud, anyway. And revealing his secret could ruin everything for his brothers and their business.

What if they can’t accept him?

Until the new vet arrives at Cade Ranch and saves his life—in more ways than one.

Luuk van der Wouden is everything Kevin has ever wanted: he’s confident, charming, and his Dutch accent is sexy as hell. But Kevin can’t give Luuk what he needs, not without risking his whole life, and he won’t force Luuk to hide who he is.

As Luuk drifts away, Kevin will have to face his own truths—or lose the best thing to ever happen to him.

The third book in The Cade Ranch Series, BUSTED, is a steamy M/M romance about finding love and holding it tight—no matter what people say.

Trigger Warnings: Adult Situations and language. Themes of parental loss and pet loss. You might cry a little, but you’ll also laugh and cheer and fall in love. And there is always a guaranteed HEA.

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Greta Rose West, the author of The Cade Ranch Series, was a floundering artsy flake until Jack showed up, knocking on the door of her brain, and then pounding on it, and then he just plain kicked it down. She lives in NW Indiana with her husband, her son, and her two precocious kitties, Geoff Trouble and Sally Mae Midnight. When she’s not writing, she’s reading and devouring music. She enjoys indie films no one else likes, and her favorite food is Aver’s Veggie Revival pizza.

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