BOOKWORM REVIEW: Wrapped Up with a Ranger by Kait Nolan

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

I adore bad boys, and I adore baking. When you combine both, I am most definitely here for it.

Holt is tired of being pitied. A former vet that lost a leg during his military service, he is wary of the sad looks that everyone, especially women, throws his way. This changes when he gets different kinds of looks from Cayla, an event planner in their small town, but it couldn't possibly be what he thinks it is. Right? 

Cayla is a single mom whose focus is solely on her daughter Maddie and her business, but when a Disney-singing former Ranger comes barging into their lives and saves them from Cayla's ex-husband, how can she resist this magnetism between them?

I really enjoyed the cute small-town, single-parent romance. Just like the baked goods he sells, Holt is a sweet cinnamon roll who is overly protective of Cayla and Maddie. It was great to see them slowly chip away at the stone he built around his heart, just like he has worked to earn Cayla's trust and eventually affection.

I love the little bit of suspense in this read. It was good to see Holt and his ex-military buddies in action.

This is Book Two of the Bad Boy Bakers series, but it can be read as a standalone with no cliffhangers. We do get to meet the other characters involved in the other books.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to Kait Nolan and Wildfire Marketing Solutions for providing an ARC. **


Can a grumpy former Ranger find lasting happiness in a marriage of convenience with a sunny single mom?

After losing his leg, former Army Ranger Holt Steele is building a new life and a new business with his friends. Sure, he never expected to put small-town baker on his resume, but he finds he likes the quiet, simple life. If only he didn't like the sunny single mom who works across the street--or her adorable kid--quite so much.

After escaping a controlling husband, event planner Cayla Black has one focus--growing her business and maintaining a safe, happy home for her daughter. She has no time or interest in a man. Not even one who charms her child with Disney songs and keeps turning up like a mind-reader to help without being asked.

But when her ex's conviction is overturned on a technicality, and he shows up intending to reclaim his wife and child, Holt intervenes with an outrageous lie. The only way to fix it is to make his falsehood the truth. As they struggle to convince everyone that their marriage of protection is real, these two reluctant hearts fall deeper, until the lines between the fiction and the dream begin to blur, and they have to risk it all to protect the family they didn't know they wanted.

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Kait Nolan is a RITA® Award-winning Mississippi author who calls everyone sugar, honey, or darlin', and can wield a 'Bless your heart' like a Snuggie or a saber, depending on requirements. She believes in love, laughter, and that tacos are the world's most perfect food. When she's not writing, reading, working the evil day job, or wrangling family (both the two-legged and the four-), you can find her obsessively watching The Great British Bake Off.

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