BOOKWORM REVIEW: Fumbled by Lizzi Stone

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐.5
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

The premise of the book had appeal: Journalist used to be a high school nerd who formed a friendship with the quarterback only to be scorned when she asks him to a dance. Now she can get him back by pretending to be a complete stranger and make HIM fall in love with her and ask her out. 

Except that Conrad "Hawk" Florence does remember Becca. Not only does he call her out for trying to get him back, he eventually turns it around into a bet that he will get her to fall in love with him in 3 weeks. Will Becca make the same mistake of opening her heart to Hawk?

The premise of the book was cute. I am always a sucker for second chance enemies-to-lovers, especially if there is a possible redemption arc involved.

However, while the premise of the book had appeal, the character development was off for me. I could not connect with Hawk and Becca. In fact, I was more drawn to Hawk's cousin Vera, her husband John, and their five(!) kids. Penny pretty much stole the show when she was present.

While I did find some of Hawk and Becca's banter amusing, I found that they sometimes dragged on with little progression in the story. Even Hawk's exchanges with his teammates, which is supposed to reveal his inner thoughts about Rebecca, dragged on. 

I did like Hawk's redemption arc. The book did a great job in explaining and showing that his actions -- which are not as bad as the blurb implies -- were due to his immaturity. I also think his growth was shown really well through his actions and relationships with family and friends.

I am also fond of Becca. She clearly has come a long way from the meek nerd in high school. She stands her ground and is not afraid to go toe-to-toe with her male colleagues in a male-dominated and often misogynistic industry. I just wished there was more of a resolution with her work. Harvey, especially, felt like a loose end.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. **


Hawk Florence has always been the football star, the guy that can make any girl fall in love with him- and then break their heart. And that’s exactly what he did to me way back in high school. Now I’ve been assigned to do a puff piece on him for a national sports journal, and I’m more than ready to get my revenge.

The plan is simple. First, sit him down and flatter the shit out of him. Laugh at his crappy jokes. Touch his arm, let it linger. When he asks me out, I’ll flutter my eyelashes and shyly accept. Then, make him fall in love. And devour him. I’m ready. I won’t fail. But there's one thing that I didn’t plan for: he doesn’t ask me out. Instead, he calls me out on my BS. He’s not wrong, but that’s just one of the ways that my plan has already gone terribly wrong before it even begins.

When he does finally ask me out, it isn’t much of a date. Instead, it’s a few agonizing hours of going back and forth about why we hate each other. But there is one interesting thing that came out of our brief time together: the bet that Hawk makes with me- that he will make me fall in love in 3 weeks, in love for real. If he fails, he’ll give me every exclusive for the season. Of course, I accept. Why wouldn’t I? This will help my career, and it’s not like he has a prayer anyway. This jerk broke my heart in high school, and there’s no way that I will fall for the same trick twice. Or will I?

All bets are off when it comes to the heart. Fumbled is a standalone sports romcom that will make you wonder what to do when love- and football- gives you a second chance....