BOOKWORM REVIEW: Rise of the King by Bella Matthews

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

I knew it. 

When Bella Matthews introduced Sam Beneventi in Under Pressure, I **knew** his own story would be epic. 

I love being right.

Rise of the King kicks off a new series set in Kroydon Hills with Sam and Amelia, and these two are fantastic. Amelia has been keeping some dangerous secrets from her friends, and only Sam really knows them. He goes rogue in trying to protect her, which -- because she's fiercely independent -- pisses her off. When circumstances go sideways, Amelia has to stay in Sam's protection.

I love these two so much. Amelia is feisty and fierce. In an intimidating world full of wealthy and powerful people, she does not let status intimidate her. She most definitely does not let Sam push her around (which Sam seems to find a great turn-on). While she is hesitant to accept protection from people who care about, she is incredibly selfless when it comes to protecting them. Sam is the opposite side of the same coin as Amelia. He is also protective of those he cares about, albeit a small circle. He might be a tough mafioso around *The Family,* but he is also willing to open himself up to Amelia. 

Their chemistry is just off the charts. I can't help but smile at their interactions and banter. Sam just exudes sexy when he flirts with Amelia; the poor girl did not stand a chance resisting him. 

This book is incredibly hard to put down. If you're new to Kroydon Hills, welcome and enjoy this crazy but wonderful ride. This book is fine as a standalone. If you have read Kings of Kroydon Hills, we get to see many familiar faces and some events from previous books. I am always a big fan of seeing Kingstons, and it looks like Scarlet's story is up next. 

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. **


Forevers don’t exist when you’re on the run.

Amelia cannot get attached—not to the town or the people in it.

And definitely not to the tall, dark, and handsome mafia prince who sweet-talks his way past her carefully built walls.

Why put yourself through that, knowing it’ll all be ripped away when you leave?
And she will have to leave.

This life isn’t hers to keep.

Sam calls her Snow, like the fairy-tale princess.
But her life is far from a fairy tale.
Even a prince can’t change that.

For Sam Beneventi, there’s a difference between his family and The Family.

He’s been raised to one day take control of The Family, putting that above all else.
Strength and power are all that matter.

Weakness isn’t an option. It’s an excuse. And Sam never makes excuses.
Until his future walks into his life and blows it up with one single bullet.

When the lost princess stumbles into this mafia prince’s city, all bets are off.
And Amelia is all he sees.

To keep her safe, it’s time for Sam to take control.
To take the throne.
To wear the crown.
It’s time for the Rise of the King.

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Bella Matthews is a Jersey girl at heart. She is married to her very own Alpha Male and raising three little ones. You can typically find her running from one sporting event to another. When she is home, she is usually hiding in her home office with the only other female in her house, her rescue dog Tinker Bell by her side. She likes to write swoon-worthy heroes and sassy, smart heroines with a healthy dose of laughter thrown in.

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