COVER REVEAL: The Hustler by Gina Azzi


I have been a Gina Azzi fan since The Defender. As I read each Boston Hawks installment, what I love is that she brings a new story and perspective to each player on that team. With The Hustler and Theo's story, it looks like we are going to get a second chance after a miscommunication over a mistaken identity. And I cannot wait.

The Hustler comes out on January 6, 2022, and I am already counting down.


Theodore Edward Sims was supposed to be my hot summer hook-up, a stranger I slept with in Hawaii. Now, he’s my stepbrother’s new hockey teammate.

When we met, Theo was a sexy surfer in Maui, riding waves by day and rocking my world at night. After being played for a fool by my ex-fiancé, Theo proved to be a source of instant gratification.

He was refreshingly honest, engaging, and incredibly charming. Theo built me up when it felt like my world was crumbling down.

Turns out, he’s just like my ex. A liar.

To avoid the media scandal of my failed engagement, I hightail it to Boston, where I’m forced to cross paths with a new version of Theo, aka Eddie Sims, Boston Hawks right wing. Here, he isn’t the well-connected, alluring surfer but a determined, angry hockey hunk with something to prove. Especially to me.

Except I’ve written him off. Once a liar, always a liar.

But Theo isn’t backing down. Instead, he’s hustling for my forgiveness. If I give him another chance, will he live up to his apologies? Or am I just lying to myself?

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I’m Gina Azzi, a book-obsessed, coffee-drinking, globetrotting, mama of soon-to-be three! I write sweet with a dash of spicy New Adult and Contemporary Romance full of good men putting in work to win the hearts of even better women.

A total Jersey girl at heart, I struggle with insatiable wanderlust and currently reside in Ontario, Canada with my family.

When I’m not dreaming up storylines or writing all the words, you can find me hanging with my littles, attempting to bake, or planning my next adventure.

Connect with me on social media or at I’d love to hear from you!

Happy Reading!