BOOKWORM REVIEW: Vanilla Temptation by Trinity Wood


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

As someone who doesn't see much Asian representation, especially male main characters, in romance novels, I definitely appreciated this short sweet read.

Tai is a Japanese pop (J-pop) star who has been in the game for so long and is tired from being on the spotlight. He escapes the hustle and bustle of Tokyo and hides from his manager, who clearly lacks personal boundaries, in the quiet town of Waiheke in New Zealand.

During his journey to escape, he becomes mesmerized by a beautiful woman on the ferry from Auckland. This woman Nadia - he later finds out - is a widow of 20 years and is a ferry captain.

Their connection, however, is on borrowed time, because who knows how long until Tai's manager finds him and drags him back to Japan and into the popstar life?

I enjoyed this novella. It is insta-love, and it goes by really quickly. I appreciate that neither Tai and Nadia mince words when it comes to getting into bed with each other. At one point, Tai had me clutching my pearls in his directness. I get it, Tai. When you've been in a fame prison for so long, you have to take happiness where and when you can take it. They are sweet and adorable together. Because it is a short read, the spicy moments are limited and often feel abbreviated. 

This book felt like a great appetizer, and I would really like the full meal.

Vanilla Temptation is now available and is free with Kindle Unlimited.


Steamy Seasoned Romance (50+) set in New Zealand

Japanese Rockstar Tai is leaving the glam life behind to retire on Auckland's sun-kissed Waiheke Island.

Ferry Captain Nadia had enough of being left behind — she's going to live on her own terms.

Two worlds collide at a charity ball, but will Tai and Nadia cruise into the sunset? Or will the temptation to go back to old ways be too strong?

This book has it all:

♥ Seasoned Romance

♥ J-Rock star

♥ Curvy BBW Heroine

♥ Piano with stories to tell

♥ Plenty of steam


VANILLA TEMPTATION is the first book in the New Zealand Shores series, and can be read as a standalone.


Trinity writes contemporary romance set in New Zealand. Because she can't get enough of book boyfriends, she created some of her own. Get ready to meet Sam, Corey, Jay, Tai, Luke, Mike, Travis, and many more, but please form an orderly line. Behind Trinity.

A self-professed good-time nerd, Trinity's never far away from one of her trusty Pokemon coffee mugs. Trinity also swears that Margaritas can cure colds.