BOOKWORM REVIEW: Jingle Bell Hell by A.R. Casella and Denise Grover Swank


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Apparently I am on a cinnamon roll streak. 😍 Maybe it is a palate cleanser from my Filthy Americans binge-fest, because those Hales can be overwhelming.

So this book was a fun, sweet read, and it even has this mild Scrooge looking forward to the holidays this year.

Mary has a lot on her plate. She is raising her son Aiden -- who is autistic -- alone after her emotional abusive ex-husband abandons them. They had to move closer to family, who is pushing her outside of her comfort zone. Now she has to deal with her attraction to Aiden's "buddy" from his school's big brother-style program. 

After an undeserved stint in prison, Jace is trying to keep his head down and his record clean. Missing his nephew whom he adores and who is also autistic, he volunteers to be a buddy at a local school program.

My favorite part about this book is how Jace and Mary turn the negative things they see about themselves into positives for each other. They are well-matched, and I love that their conflicts and misunderstandings are resolved with maturity and grace.

There were a lot of supporting characters in this book, and it can be overwhelming, especially for the ones that had history in previous books. It did take me away from the story a couple of times.

If you are looking for a fun read to get you ready for the holiday season, this book would be a good choice.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. **

Jingle Bell Hell is now available.


She’s a sexually repressed control freak. He’s a muscular ex-con with heavier baggage than Santa’s toy bag. They’re everything each other never wanted.


I’m usually the first person on my block to decorate for Christmas. This year? Humbug.

My six-year-old son, Aidan, just had a meltdown after learning some hard truths from a drunk Santa impersonator, and I can no longer deny we both need help. Change is hard for Aidan, and right now he’s dealing with several big ones, including A) his father abandoning us, B) our move to Asheville, and C) the Santa snafu.

And me? I’m a control freak, and my life is more out-of-control than a sled on ice.

That’s why I agree to let Aidan join Butterfly Buddies, a group that matches kids with adult mentors.

It’s also why I agree to a mentor of my own—terrifying, pink-haired Nicole, who wants to help me live life on the wild side. Her advice is strangely compelling, especially after I meet Aidan’s new “buddy,” a gorgeous tattooed hunk of a man who makes me wish there weren’t cobwebs in my...well, you know.



Mary O’Shea is sexy as hell, but she doesn’t know it.

She also doesn’t know I’m an ex-con, and if she finds out that I served three years in prison, extenuating circumstances won’t matter to her.

The last thing I should do is get attached to her kid...or her, but I didn’t get in this position by making good decisions.

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New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Denise Grover Swank was born in Kansas City, Missouri and lived in the area until she was nineteen. Then she became a nomadic gypsy, living in five cities, four states and ten houses over the course of ten years before she moved back to her roots. She speaks English and smattering of Spanish and Chinese which she learned through an intensive Nick Jr. immersion period. Her hobbies include witty Facebook comments (in her own mind) and dancing in her kitchen with her children. (Quite badly if you believe her offspring.) Hidden talents include the gift of justification and the ability to drink massive amounts of caffeine and still fall asleep within two minutes. Her lack of the sense of smell allows her to perform many unspeakable tasks. She has six children and hasn’t lost her sanity. Or so she leads you to believe.

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A.R. CASELLA is a freelance developmental editor by day, writer by night. She lives in Asheville, NC with her husband, daughter, two dogs, and a variable number of fish. Her pastimes include chasing around her toddler, baking delicious treats, and occasional bouts of crocheting. Any Luck at All, co-written with New York Times bestselling author Denise Grover Swank, is her first book.

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