BOOKWORM REVIEW: Morning Glory Milking Farm by C.M. Nascosta


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

I have learned many things since having a life-changing event recently. The two lessons that led to this book are: have fantastic friends with great sense of humor who will recommend books outside your comfort zone and appreciate writing that will put a smile on your face.

And this book did. 

So let me start with this: If you are curious about the book, BE AWARE that milking has nothing to do with dairy and this involves minotaurs. If that is not your cup of tea, thanks for checking my review out and have a great day.

If you're still curious, let's get started with the premise of the book: Violet is down on her luck. She needs to find a job STAT. Otherwise, she will have to move back in with her parents and be forced to get back with her boring ex. She finds a listing for a job with great benefits and perks.

Turns out Morning Glory Farm needed milking technicians a key ingredient to this world's Viagra.

First of all, I love Violet. Even in uncomfortable situations, she makes the best out of everything and attacks every task with 150% tenacity. She goes through new experiences with an open mind, and while this is set in a fantasy/paranormal world, you have to give props to a heroine who have no prejudice to things outside her comfort zone.

I thought the slow-burn relationship between her and Rourke was sweet. It was like reading a charming courtship between two people who met in unusual circumstances. I can always appreciate the build-up from strangers to friends to lovers.

Don't get it twisted, though. Their chemistry is off-the-charts and super hot for a sweet couple. I know the thought of drinking milk while reading this might not be ideal, so maybe have some water on hand to deal with the spice.

I also liked the social commentary about interspecies relationships (which felt more like intercultural dating) and about commodifying the body (human or not). 

Morning Glory Milking Farm is now available and is free with Kindle Unlimited.

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