BOOKWORM REVIEW: Loyalty That Binds by A.J. Wyatt


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

As a beloved villain once said, "NO. MORE. CLIFFHANGERS!" 

Okay, maybe it was wire hangers, but cliffhangers are arguably as bad. When a book is so good, getting a cliffhanger is like hitting a brick wall. 

It absolutely hurts.

Especially with Loyalty That Binds where you get so immersed in the story. I guess I should be glad that Book Two comes out in a week, but I don't know what I am going to do with the wait for Book Three. Read other books?

So..Loyalty That Binds is about Neal and Amelia. Neal is the heir to the Castellano family business. To strengthen control over the families, his Uncle Romero, the current Don, arranged for Neal to marry into another family, but Neal has zero interest in marriage. His sole purpose in life is to avenge his parents' murder by the rival Irish mob, and he will do anything to get that done.

What he did not account for is meeting Amelia, a smart-mouth nursing student who has become a larger distraction than Neal anticipated.

Amelia is a moth to Neal's flame. She knows she should steer clear, but she can't help to be drawn to him. When she gets in the middle of the crossfires set by his uncle and the Irish, how will Neal and Amelia survive this ever-evolving chess match?

As someone who reads mafia romance for the romance, I was surprised that I was equally as drawn to the action in this book.

Don't get me wrong - the romance is well done, too. The chemistry between Neal and Amelia are undeniable; they were foolish to hide something so palpable and clearly on fire from the likes of Romero. I love the equal balance of power in their relationship. Amelia is no damsel in distress. While she is not physical strong, she is cunning and smart.

But the action and suspense. I am thrilled that Neal and Amelia are climbing uphill to win this chess match. That Romero always seems to be ten steps ahead. Because it is how it should be! Dons with years of experiences are not sloppy; they are conniving, brutal, and cold.  And I am here for all of it.

I am looking forward to how this plays out in Books Two and Three.

Loyalty that Binds (Book 1) is now available and is free with Kindle Unlimited. 

Family that Binds (Book 2) comes out on September 25, 2021.


Loyalty that Binds:

Family that Binds: