BOOKWORM REVIEW: Beautifully Scarred by P. Rayne


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
SPICE: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

As an avid reader of many romance books, I know all too well that the journey to happily ever after is not linear. Sometimes, books also like to remind us that love also goes hand-in-hand with timing.

Lilah and Jimmy had grown up together in a small town from which both have managed to escape. Leaving their dark pasts behind, they are now taking L.A. by storm. Jimmy is Hollywood's new action hero, and Lilah is an up-and-coming model.

Unfortunately, Lilah's coping mechanisms are not as stable as Jimmy's so she leans on addiction and recklessness to numb her pain. Soon Lilah has become a liability to Jimmy's rise to fame, but can Jimmy walk away?

This book had so much angst and heartache. Jimmy and Lilah's struggles with juggling L.A. social expectations and dealing with their demons have brought them so many problems, but I love that we also get to see them rise above it all.

Lilah's character arc was my favorite. This read started from me disliking her a lot and wondering what someone like Jimmy could see in her. But P. Rayne takes us on this redemption ride with Lilah that will have you cheering for her in the end.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to P. Rayne and Valentine PR and Literary Management for providing an ARC. **


Growing up, all we had was each other.
Jimmy's always been the one who protected me—at any cost. I was content to let him clean up my messes. And when he kept his promise to get us out of our hometown and living the lives we always dreamed of, I was happy to pretend everything would be okay... for a while.
While Jimmy was able to leave the past behind, mine felt like a tattoo I could never scrub clean.
Jimmy thinks he can fix me—he tries, and tries, and tries.
Sometimes love isn't enough to heal all the wounds from the past. Sometimes even your savior thinks you're not worth saving.
And he'd be right... until everything changed.

I've loved Lilah for as long as I can remember.
And for as long as I can remember, she's pushed down the traumas of her past until they became poison running through her veins, infecting everything she touched.
Watching the woman you love destroy herself piece by piece is the slowest, most painful form of torture I know.
Giving her up may be the only way to save her. But how do I just walk away from the one person I love most in this life?

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The darker side of USA Today Bestselling Author, Piper Rayne.

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