COVER REVEAL: Keep Paris by Kelly Kay



Ever wonder who you’d turn out to be without heartache?

Me too.

Fairytales and soulmates can suck it. Romance and thoughts of strolling through Paris, can get buried with all the heartbreak from a decade ago. In fact, you can keep Paris, I have no need for it.

And now work is everything. That’s all there is. Work and hating Hayden Correlli. Smug, clever and annoying with the sexiest damn voice. It does things to me I will not admit. Because we’re at war. We’re Regional Creative Ad Directors and there’s only one job in New York. One job to rule them all and it’s mine. I don’t care how many times he pranks me, or I have to retaliate, at the end of the day I will bury him. I don’t care how he makes my stomach flip. I’ll ignore that my once dead heart might have sparked a bit when he texted. Doesn’t matter how hot I imagine he is, he’s just another man who won’t live up to the hype.

But what if he could?

The battle and the spoils of war are set: one gets the job, and the other one gets let go. But in the end, will their hearts survive?


I used to create "dreams" with my best friend growing up. We'd each pick a boy we liked, then we'd write down a meet-cute that always ended with a happily ever after.

Now I get to dream every day, although it's a little steamier these days. And I've discovered I can and will write anywhere I can. Keep tuned to Instagram to see all the times I fit in a sentence or two.

I'm a writer, married to a writer, mother of a creative dynamo of a nine-year-old boy and currently a little sleepy. I'm a klutz and goofball and love lipstick as much as my Chuck Taylors.

Good things in the world: pepperoni pizza, Flair pens*, wine, coffee, laughing with my friends until my stomach hurts, a musician at the top of their game, getting lost somewhere I've never been, matinee movies on a weekday, the Chicago Cubs, a fresh new notebook full of possibilities, bourbon on a cold night, Fantasy Football, witty men, walking through the local zoo in the rain and that moment when a character clicks in and begins to write their own adventure. I'm just the pen. 

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