BOOKWORM REVIEW: Bridge of Lies by Nana Malone

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Nana Malone has perfected the formula of drawing you into an unfinished trilogy -- knowing full well there's a cliff at the end -- but you jump right in any way. 

Bridge of Lies is the second book in the Speak No Evil trilogy, and we pick up as someone takes Emma Varma. She and her brother Toby's friends, including her teenage crush Bridge Edgerton, are trying to avenge his death, and they only have one more name left on the list. It turns out this person is much harder to catch than the others, and they get tangled into a complicated web that involves estranged fathers, espionage, and a lot of secrecy.

Emma remains her impulsive and headstrong self, but we're seeing more maturity from her as she engages with Bridge -- her now fake husband. Bridge's character arc, on the other hand, is a bit slower than Emma's. His past trauma understandably keeps him from jumping all in into their relationship, and while it becomes frustrating for Emma to deal with, it does lead to some rather spicy times. 

I love the suspense and mystery in this book. As a reader, you can feel Emma and Bridge's frustrations as they deal with the one-step-forward, two-steps-back situations in avenging Toby's death. The whodunit element in this trilogy is so well written that we are as stymied as the London Lords are in solving this puzzle.

Of course, there is one more book to go in this trilogy so you will run into a cliffhanger, but it is so deliciously frustrating and will leave you counting down for Book Three's release.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. Thank you to Nana Malone and Valentine PR for providing an ARC. **


Betrayal was such a simple word. But such a complex emotion. The woman I loved had turned her back on me. Taken everything I'd offered and thrown it away.

I may have vowed to protect her, but she's thrown down the gauntlet. And no matter how much I crave her, there will be consequences.

Emma Varma might be the beauty, but now she'll meet the beast. I'll keep my vow. I'll keep her safe from our enemies.

But her soul and her heart will no longer be safe with me.

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USA Today Bestseller, Nana Malone's love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she "borrowed" from her cousin.

It was a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana, and Nana was a precocious thirteen. She's been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters.

While she waits for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, in the meantime Nana works out her drama, passion, and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is.

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