BOOKWORM REVIEW: Love That Binds by AJ Wyatt

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


The chess match between Neal Sanders and his uncle comes to a close with this final book of the trilogy, but will Neal walk away from the game the victor with his reign as Il Padrino of Cosa Nostra and his relationship with Amelia intact?

Picking up from Book Two, Amelia has been taken from the hospital by Neal's Uncle Romero, the former Castellano Don who does not appreciate being unseated by his young nephew, and Romero's ally Christiano Luchesse. Neal has been turning New York upside-down with a trail of corpses behind him to find Amelia.

It turns out that Neal did not need to play alone to win his game against his uncle.

I love the phenomenal world-building in this series, and while the first books always carry the burden of introducing side characters that will eventually have their story, A.J. Wyatt does a great job in integrating them into the story. I love that the new generation of Cosa Nostra Dons has the common theme of refusing to carry the sins of their fathers or predecessors and that they lean on that as a common bond.

Despite being apart for most of the book, Neal and Amelia's connection continues to be fire. The deep longing and determination to get back to each other are wonderfully infused into the story. While I love this couple, the side characters have caught my attention with their mysterious but effortless charisma. Vincenzo di Napoli, Christiano and Matteo Luchesse, and Bas Gravano. Boy, I sure do look forward to their stories.

This is a mafia romance, so there will be triggers associated with crime and violence. But if you love this genre, this trilogy has been a great read.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. **



My vow is to you now.

My life belongs to you as much as to my Family, to Cosa Nostra.

Being Ill Padrino of Cosa Nostra has brought Neal more power over New York than he ever thought possible, but he is still in need of his queen. Scouring the city for Amelia, he seems to be teetering on the edge of darkness, leaving the streets running red with the blood of his enemies.

Amelia wants nothing more than to get back to Neal, to get back to her life. But in order to do so, she needs to make a deal with a devil. Being a part of the underworld of New York has left its mark on her in more ways than one.

Does she have the strength to be what Neal needs, to rule by his side?

Or did Romero ruin her forever?

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#1 Loyalty That Binds
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#2 Family That Binds
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A.J has always been in love with books and love stories of all kinds. When she stumbled upon Mafia Romance, her own Mafia Underworld has been brewing ever since. She wrote her first novel in 2020 and Loyalty that Binds was released in June 2021.

When she's not writing, she spends her time with her two little boys and loving husband.

She loves connecting with readers and authors alike - so please feel free to contact her.

Connect with A.J.