BOOKWORM REVIEW: London Bridge by Nana Malone

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

I knew I was in for a world of hurt leading up to that cliffhanger, but for Nana Malone, I jumped in anyway.

And the hurt was worth it.

London Bridge is the first of the Speak No Evil trilogy and tells the story of Bridge Edgerton and Emma Varma. We got a glimpse of their history in Bridge of Love, and the trilogy starts years later. Emma, now an adult, is coming back to London to take a more active role in the London Lords' plan to avenge her brother's death. 

Bridge has other problems. Getting caught in a scandal, he endangers their plan to get to the last person involved in Toby's death. With his previous engagement no longer an option to clean up his reputation, he is left with no choice: Fake a marriage with Emma for a year to secure a contract and put their revenge plan in motion. 

The only thing he and the Lords did not account for is his and Emma's feelings for each other. Activated by the kiss they shared in the prologue, the attraction lay dormant during their time apart. Now being in close proximity and having to fake affection have stirred back to life. And that chemistry is hotter than the fire of a thousand suns. I love the back-and-forth between Bridge and Emma, and Nana Malone just gives us a wonderful variety of intimate moments from fast and rough to loving and gentle. All of them sexy AF.

I struggled a bit with Bridge's character arc. He puts their plan in a precarious position because he can't keep his parts in his pants. While I understand his sowing of wild oats is somewhat of a rebellion against his previous fiancΓ© and his overbearing, abusive father, his actions hurt him and his friends more than they hurt his enemies. The history and grief he shares with Emma lay a great foundation for their connection, but remembering his philandering ways as he reconnects with her just did not sit well with me.

Emma, on the other hand, is spectacular. She's smart, feisty, and cunning. I love seeing her in action at her new job in London, because she takes no prisoners. "Lil Tobes," as the London lads refer to her, is not so little anymore when she stands her ground. Her heart has been frozen for so long that she does not really know affection, so when Bridge, her friends, and even her mom show their love for her, it was heartbreaking to see how surprised she gets.

The book does end in a cliffy -- not a spoiler obviously since it is a trilogy -- and it is mind-blowing. The suspense in this book is typical Nana Malone; it takes your breath away and leaves you at the edge of your seat. Characters from previous series are well-integrated that the series can stand on its own, though it was a bit overwhelming to meet them all at the start.

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. **


Halfway around the world wasn't far enough away to keep my best mate's sister safe from our enemies... or my touch. I will have her. Even though she's the beauty and I'm the beast.

Emma Varma remembers me as the black hearted prince of Eton prep... but the hardened man I've become won't be so easily burned.

Her return to London has nothing to do with me and everything to do with retribution.

Gone is the wild child I remember and in her place a striking beauty, tempting me with a second chance to break all the rules that I missed the first time... before I was man enough to make her mine.

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USA Today Bestseller, Nana Malone's love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she "borrowed" from her cousin.

It was a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana, and Nana was a precocious thirteen. She's been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters.

While she waits for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, in the meantime Nana works out her drama, passion, and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is.