BOOKWORM REVIEW: Twisted Bargain by Alexandria Bishop


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Twisted Bargain is a fast-paced, spicy dark romance that puts Beauty and the Beast in a mafia world setting. 

Ariana received a lousy deal in life. Motherless, she is left to deal with her father's drinking and gambling problems. She works multiple jobs just to keep them afloat with bills and debt repayments only to have her dad shove them back to square one. She comes home one day to find out that she has become the repayment plan for her dad's debt to the city's notorious billionaire.

I am 50/50 on Ariana. On one hand, I understand her struggles and am as frustrated with her paying for her father's sins. I find her resilient and emotionally strong. On the other, there are times that she comes off as being naïve for someone who has been essentially on her own. She is too quick to trust, and even Marco says it himself:

"So naive and trusting. I could do whatever I wanted to you right now, take anything I want, and you'd let me."

I love a good anti-hero, and Marco Blackstone fits the bill. He has kept his good heart masked for so long that he does not know how to deal when Ariana crumbles the walls around it. He is hot-tempered and intimidating, but he is fair and fiercely protective.

The story was well-paced in the beginning. I like how we're introduced to the different characters naturally as we go through the story. The ending, however, was a bit off-paced for me. It seemed rushed, cutting quickly from one scene to the other. I would have liked an extended comeuppance to the antagonists in this book, because I am sick like that. LOL.

The spice is strong in this book. Marco is a dirty, dirty man, and I appreciate that Ariana is no innocent flower, either. I stan an equally dirty couple, and you get that in several scenes in this book.

If you're looking for a quick dark read with super-hot sexiness, this is a great pick.

TW: murder, violence, dubcon

** I am voluntarily reviewing an advance copy of this book. **


I’ve been cleaning up after my father for most of my life. Between his drug and gambling addictions, it seems like whatever I do, we’re always drowning. Until he does the unforgivable.

Trading me to the tortured billionaire in our small town. His debts are erased and I have to do whatever Marco Blackstone demands. I should have run screaming when the first task he gave me was to clean the blood stains from his expensive five piece suit.

When I overhear a conversation I shouldn’t, our bargain becomes even more twisted when Marco fakes an engagement to save my life. And I become even more trapped in this world I never wanted any part of.

I don’t know who I can trust. But I’m running out of time when my fake engagement turns into anything but and I just might have to say “I Do,” for real.

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Marco moves toward me, going so quickly that I stumble backward, away from him. His jaw is clenched and I can see his face clearly now. “I told you from day one that nobody was forcing you to stay. You can walk away at any time.”

I laugh, hard. “Oh yeah, and how am I supposed to leave? I have no car, no money. I’m working to pay off a debt that isn’t mine and I’ll probably never be able to come out from under. So please, Marco, tell me how I am not a prisoner.” I roll my eyes and add, “I’m listening.”

Not to mention the hinted promise of killing my father and potentially me if I were to leave. Doesn’t sound like I have a choice at all... or maybe he just forgot about that little conversation we had.

He steps toward me, invading my space as my back hits the roughness of the plant branches. My halter top probably wasn’t the best idea and I’m sure to have scratches all over my back tomorrow. My temperature rises despite the chill from the pouring rain.

I don’t know what Marco Blackstone is doing to me, but at this moment, I don’t question it. I am at his mercy and I am one-hundred-percent okay with that.

Fuck. What is wrong with me?

He wraps his hand around my throat, squeezing just tight enough to hold me in place, not that I was planning on moving anyway. A current shoots through my body, straight to my core. I moan and his eyes go wide at first but then he smirks slightly, tightening his hold on me. Which only spurs me on even more.

We shouldn’t be doing this. There are a million different reasons why none of this is okay but I can’t even come up with one. I just want him. I have from the first moment I met him. Even when I was terrified of him, I wanted him.

Marco’s breath caresses my lips and I shudder at the closeness. If either one of us moves even a fraction of an inch closer our lips would be touching.

He pushes the strands of hair out of my face and runs the back of his cold hand against my cheek. I close my eyes and lean into his touch. I shiver at the contact and he leans down to whisper to me, “So naïve and so trusting. I could do whatever I wanted to you right now, take anything I want, and you’d let me.”


Born on a small southeastern island in Alaska and raised in southern Oregon, Alexandria Bishop is a PNW girl at heart. By day, she goes to battle with a tiny dictator aka her toddler and by night, she can be found typing ALL the words of her contemporary romance novels accompanied by a glass of wine or two ;)

When she’s not in mommy or author mode, she can be found drinking copious amounts of cold brew coffee, bingeing her latest obsession on Netflix, or attending concerts of her favorite pop-punk bands.

She loves hearing from her readers and you can find her on social media here:

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