BOOKWORM REVIEW: The Initiation by Nikki Sloane


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

I am currently binge-reading the Filthy Rich Americans series by Nikki Sloane in preparation for the release of The Temptation (Book 5) on October 19.

Which that brings us to The Initiation (Book 1).

Marist Northcutt has been sold to the powerful Hale Family as the eldest son Royce's betrothed after she finds out that her seemingly wealthy family is deep in debt. Her parents are materialistic idiots who cannot manage money, and her sister sabotages her opportunity to be a Hale Stepford wife.

It is now up to Marist to save her family's legacy and reputation, and her only currency is to marry Royce.

Before that could even happen, she and Royce must make their case with the Hale Banking and Holding board, and the board has some * demanding* list of requirements.

As an avid romance reader, I have an absolutely no kink-shaming rule. I've been surprised at what or what doesn't interest me so I try to keep an open mind. 

I say that, because while some people might not think this is their cup of tea, I really liked this book. It pushes the boundaries of dark romance and makes a compelling social commentary on how some rules do not apply to the super-rich.

Besides, Royce and Marist are just hot together. The tension in moments they share together is at times so consuming that you just want them to get on with it. As someone who roots for anti-heroes, I love that you see glimpses of Royce's vulnerability and humanity as he struggles between being a Hale and being himself.

That said, is it bad that I also ship Marist with Macalister Hale, Royce’s dad? Dude has hot daddy evil villain vibes, and I am kinda digging it. πŸ‘€

There are triggering scenes in this book, so be mindful of the TWs below. All-in-all, this was a fantastic start to the series, and I cannot wait to dive into Book 2.

TW: Coerced public sex with dubious consent, emotionally abusive parents

The Initiation is now available.


No one knows how new members are selected to the board of Hale Banking and Holding. But there are rumors of a sordid rite of initiation.

Whispers how one woman and nine men disappear into a boardroom.

This time, that woman will be me.

The Hale family owns everything—the eighth largest bank in the world, everyone in our town, even the mortgage on my parents’ mansion. And now Royce Hale wants to own me.

He is charming. Seductive. Ruthless. But above all, he’s the prince of lies. My body may tighten with white-hot desire under his penetrating gaze, but I refuse to enjoy it.

I’ll make a deal with the devil to save my family and sell myself to the Hales. But Royce will never own my heart.


USA Today bestselling author Nikki Sloane landed in graphic design after her careers as a waitress, a screenwriter, and a ballroom dance instructor fell through. Now she writes full-time and lives in Kentucky with her husband, two sons, and a pug who is more slug than dog. 

She is a four-time Romance Writers of America RITA® & Vivian® Finalist, a Passionate Plume & HOLT Medallion winner, a Goodreads Choice Awards semifinalist, and couldn't be any happier that people enjoy reading her sexy words.

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