BOOKWORM REVIEW: Unraveled Love by Stacey Lynn


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: 🔥🔥🔥

The expectations for the second book of Stacey Lynn's Love and Honor duet have been set high after a great first book, and it did not disappoint. 

We immediately pick from where Twisted Hearts end. Addi has run away from her controlling father and abusive fiancé. She becomes involved with Shawn, a member of a highly sophisticated and connected security firm tasked to be Addi safe.

As they learn more about Addi's father and about her ex-fiancé's family, they discover a dark and tangled web of crime and human exploitation.

This book was everything. If you like action-packed suspense, you will definitely get it from Book Two.  Stacey Lynn does an incredible job in drawing you into the thick of the action. 

I just adore Addi and Shawn. Addi's resolve in dealing with her traumatic experiences and in taking control of her recovery makes her one of the strongest book heroines I know.  Shawn is the perfect counterpart. He is strong and determined but gentle and caring as Addi navigates through her challenges.

And the STEAM. These two cannot take their hands off each other, and I can definitely understand why.

I also enjoyed the supporting characters in this duet. Shawn's security firm brothers are adorable in their overprotectiveness of Addi, and I would not mind reading more about Luca.

TW: Violence, kidnapping, human trafficking (mentioned), pedophilia (mentioned)

**  I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book. **

Unraveled Love is now available.

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About the Book

I didn’t take the job expecting to find love. But it’s here, and it’s real.

Are you ready to binge?! Unraveled Love, the unforgettable final installment in the sexy and suspenseful Love & Honor duet from Stacey Lynn is available now!

I’m a protector. It’s not a power trip, but something deep inside me I’ve always felt the need to do. From school bullies and a small-town cop to now providing security for elite athletes and music stars on the East Coast, the most important job I’ve ever taken is protecting Addi.

She’s becoming everything to me, but there’s danger lurking around every corner that gets darker with every passing day.

Her life is at risk, on the chopping block, and if we can’t find the men who are trying to track her down and return her to her ex-fiancé, she’ll be lost to me forever.

I didn’t take the job expecting to find love. But it’s here, and it’s real.

Now I just need to unravel the evil that’s hunting her to finally find our way to happily ever after.

Continue the love story, today!

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Excerpt from Twisted Hearts

I dig fingers into his hair, soft as silk like I’ve imagined for so long, and he smells like the ocean and fresh air.


His voice is firm and I’m jostled, but that hand on my breast is still making me delirious with need.

Screw him and his teasing.

I open my eyes and rise up, slam my mouth to Shawn’s, and gasp as he kisses me back, instantly invading my mouth with his tongue and consuming me with the taste of him.

I moan into his mouth and then I’m thrown back against the bed, bouncing from the harshness of it.

My eyes opened and— “Oh shit.”

I scrambled on the bed until I was braced against the headboard, my knees pulled up to my chest. It took me a moment to realize what had happened…but had it?

Shawn stood at the edge of my bed, eyes wide with complete and utter shock and his palms raised in the air.

Oh no.

I had been dreaming of him. Of him touching me.

But kissing him?


Oh crap. I’d been dreaming. I’d been dreaming of him touching me and kissing me and then I’d…

“Oh God.” Humiliation burned my cheeks as hot as a forest fire. My hands covered my mouth. “I am so…so sorry.”

He blinked, and I gaped at him, willing my heated flesh to chill the hell out.

Oh dear sweet baby Jesus. This is not good. Not good at all.

But then he swiped his tongue along his bottom lip, and my senses went haywire.

“I kissed you.” Yeah, I should keep repeating it, reminding him I basically assaulted him.

And while he was working.

Shit. Shit!

Shawn was leaning over the edge of the bed, one knee braced on it and both hands on the mattress. His hair was messed up and oh shit…had I done that when I grabbed him?

“I am so sorry,” I muttered, voice raspy. I hadn’t realized anything could be more embarrassing or difficult than having to tell Jaxon and Shawn why I’d run from my wedding, but this…this was a million times more humiliating.

“Addi,” he said, and it fell from his lips like a tortured groan.

“Oh God, I did. I am so…so sorry.” I shoved my legs to the other side of the bed and stood. My dream was still bright and vivid in my head, and my nipples were still hard beneath my bra. Other parts of me were wet.

“It’s okay.” Shawn wiped his hand across his mouth. Removing the taste of me? Of course he was.

No one wanted to be touched and assaulted like that. Shame flooded my veins, and my legs trembled from the force of it.


His head rose, steely blue eyes piercing me and holding me in place. “If you think I’m upset about that, you are far from correct.”

I took him in. Flushed cheeks. Hard jaw. Chest breathing heavily, and below…oh dear.

His tight jeans did nothing to conceal the bulge…the bulge. It was…wow.

My gaze flew to his, and I caught the smirk twisting his lips.

Mortified. I couldn’t have been any more mortified than if he’d walked in on me when I was naked, taking care of myself and screaming out his name. Hell, I’d slammed my mouth to his—I’d practically done just that.

I dropped my face to my hands and scrubbed. As if I’d ever be able to erase what I had just caught a glimpse of. “Listen, I’m so sorry. I was dreaming, and you—”

“You were dreaming about me?” His rumbly, growly voice was not helping calm me down.

He stood then and pressed his hands to his hips, pushing out his chest. That bulge had yet to minimize in any way, and based on the heat in his eyes, it didn’t look like it was going to go away any time soon.

Stop staring at his dick!

I blinked, tried to focus on him, but seriously…it was that impressive. All of him.


His voice trailed off, and that rumble went straight to the part of me that was still hot and needy.

“Um, can I plead the fifth?”

His eyes closed and he chuckled, making the tension in the room pop like a balloon.

“We’ll finish this conversation later.”

Start the duet, today!

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Meet Stacey Lynn

Stacey Lynn likes her coffee with a dash of sugar, her heroes with a side of bossy, and her wine a deep shade of red.
The author of over thirty romance novels, many of which have been best-selling titles on Amazon, AppleBooks, and Barnes & Noble, she loves being able to turn her vivid imagination into a career that brings entertainment and joy to her readers. Focused on sports romance and emotional, small-town romance, she also loves stretching herself in different genres.
Born in Texas and raised in the Midwest, she now makes her home in North Carolina and loves all things Southern. Together with her ultimate tall, dark, and handsome hero, she has four children. Her life is a chaotic mess that fights with her Type-A, list-making, neurotically organized preferences and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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