BOOKWORM REVIEW: Best Man Instead by K.L. McLoughlin


RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Someone once told me that if you experience a moment that felt like you've dreamt about it, it meant that you were on the right path of where the fates wanted you to be.

What if those moments were tied specifically to someone you just met?

Best Man Instead by K.L. McLoughlin explores fated soulmates with Pete and Kayla. They cross paths when Kayla's fiancé wanted to introduce her to his good friend Pete and ask him to be his best man.  Pete ends up holding the wedding planning bag with Kayla as Dylan seem to have little interest in working with her on the plans.

As they spend more time together, they get dreams about an old woman telling them that they are soulmates. Their souls have endured several lifetimes, trying each time to be together.

I enjoyed this book. We see how their struggle to be together in this lifetime is tied to the lifetimes before. There were times I wanted to hug Pete around the neck with my hands, but Kayla's relatability and boldness make up for his flaws.  

** I received an ARC of this book and am posting an honest review voluntarily. **

Best Man Instead is now available.