BOOKWORM REVIEW: Charmed by Laura Pavlov

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Charmed is the perfect title for this book, because that is how the enemies-to-lovers story and its main characters Maura Benson and Crew Carlisle will leave you.

For as far as the residents of Willow Springs have known, the Benson and Carlisle families have always considered each other as mortal enemies ever since the grandfathers broke their partnership and built separate and equally successful oil companies.

Maura is trying to break free from the family business, choosing to pursue a career in advertising.  Unfortunately, the path to building that career is through an internship with Crew Carlisle's company, and Crew loathes every single member of her family, including her.

Crew isn't too pleased with this arrangement, either, but he cannot back away from his deal with Maura's university.  His new goal: To make Maura as miserable as possible to drive her away.  Too bad Maura is smart, talented, and driven.  The more time he spends with her at work, the more he realizes that maybe his hatred for all Bensons may be misplaced.

The chemistry between these two is πŸ”₯. You can immediately feel the tension from the very beginning, and the progression from enemies to friends to lovers was so cute.  Maura is gentle and kind; the perfect sunshine to Crew's grumpy.  But don't get me wrong.  Crew may be a broody curmudgeon, but boy, when he turns on the charm, it will leave you swooning. 

It would be remiss of me if I didn't mention how much I adored the Magic Willows. Maura's girlfriends may each have their own unique personalities, but you can see how the friendship is built on trust and solidarity.  I ❤️ amazing ride-or-die friends.

If I didn't have to eat or sleep or keep my day job, I would have read this book straight through.  It was that captivating. Laura Pavlov creates an amazing world where its characters are relatable and adorable..and we readers can't help but be charmed.

Charmed is now available and is free with Kindle Unlimited.

** I received an ARC of this book and am posting an honest review voluntarily.**