BOOKWORM REVIEW: Jock Blocked by Pippa Grant


The start of this book was a little rough. As a reader, you need to come to terms that a seasoned professional baseball player can be a virgin.  While that is not entirely an impossibility, we all have to admit that it is pretty darn rare.

Then there's Mackenzie. I was even more skeptical about someone who could be that die-hard of a fan that she prevents one of their players from getting any action. Then I remembered a *BRIEF* moment during my teenager years when I thought I was in love with a local hockey player. Like Mackenzie, I had the opportunity to talk to him while I was attending their training camp, and I clammed up.

He's an assistant coach of an NHL team now, BTW.

So if you suspend your beliefs for the first parts of the book, you eventually get to the great parts like meeting their respective family members.  These includes those quirky folks in Pippa Grant's Bro Code series. As much as they rag on each other, you get a sense that these are the kinds of families you want to be part of.  The ones who will ride or die with you.

The entire team is also adorable with their antics to support our hero, and they're the kind of team you want to put your money on.

It is a slower burn towards the πŸ”₯, and I like the fact that while they did it ALOT, it was also realistic about someone who only reads or has heard about sex and not experience it.

If you like quirky but sweet romance or have enjoyed Pippa's other books, this is definitely a good TBR.

XO Filipino Bookworm πŸ›

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
STEAM: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Jock Blocked is free with Kindle Unlimited.
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